Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

Health Problem Solution

Fat and Diabetic

Life style is the health problem. Most of people have got trouble with it. Today, there is much calorie and lipid in our food. Life style cause our weight increase and obesity. There is strong correlation between this condition with many diseases. Diabetic can cause complicated diseases. It can cause renal failure, broken our eyes and stroke and other diseases. There is correlation between fat and this condition.         

What is insulin resistance?

Insulin resistance is a condition in which the body produces insulin but does not use it properly.
Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps the body use glucose for energy. Glucose is a form of sugar that is thebody's. The body's digestive system breaks food down into glucose, which then travels in the bloodstream to cells throughout the body.

Picture 1. Food Digestive Food go  through from mouth to the intestine. The digestive system breaks food down into glucose and in the intestine, there is an absorbtion glucose from intestine into bloodstream.

Glucose in the blood is called blood glucose, also known as blood sugar. As the bloodglucose level rises after a meal, the pancreas releases insulin to help cells take in and use the glucose.

                              Picture 2. How Insulin work,
Insulin work as a key for glucose to open the door at the cell, so glucose can go into the cell from the bloodstream. 

When people are insulin resistant, their muscle, fat, and liver cells do not respond properly to insulin. Why ? because fat can stop insulin open the door at the cell and glucose can’t go into the cell. Glucose in bloodstream become higher. Pancreas sends more and more insulin but insulin can’t open the door.  As a result, their bodies need more insulin to help glucose enter cells. The pancreas tries to keep up with this increased demand for insulin by producing more. Eventually, the pancreas fails to keep up with the body's need for insulin. In long period, increased demand can cause pancreas work hardly and exhausted. Finally, pancreas can be spoilt. So your body will not able to produces insulin any more and this is diabetic condition (diabetic disease).

Picture 3, Fat affect The Door, Insulin can not open the door.
What is the best solution ?
Check yor HOMA in your blood to know about your insulin. Test HOMA will know resistance of insulin.
If you are not too fat, exercise is good way but if you are too fat even obese, you have to lose your fat to prevent diabetic disease. You can use lipid drug to lose your weight.

National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (NDIC)

Health Problem Fact

Smoking and Fertility

Insomnia leads to a lot of health problems. Among st the many health disturbances, the major harm it does to ones body is High blood pressure and Heart Attacks.

According to researches conducted, heart attack is caused due to deposition of calcium in the artery. This study has further linked the cause of calcium deposits in the artery to lack of sleep. Whereas on the other hand individuals who had 7-8 hours of sleep have no calcium deposition in the artery.

Another major cause of heart attacks according to studies is High blood pressure. A person who has not slept properly tends to have high blood pressure. Blood pressure tends to take a dip when the person is sleeping and a person will have a balanced blood pressure when they sleep well at night.

Lack of sleep, puts a great strain on the individuals body causing the heart to over function. The body has an extra need to work hard with lack of energy and sleep.

Therefore in order to have a healthy heart and a normal blood pressure one needs to have proper sleep patterns. Exposing oneself to stressful situations will further enhance Insomnia and increase ones risk to Heart disease and Blood Pressure.

Resorting to meditation and stress reduction exercises can also prove to be very useful. Healing Insomnia, will lead to the healing of heart attack and other health problems.


Health Problem Fact

Too Much Exercise

Most people don’t exercise enough. We all know the benefits of exercise. Right exercise can lower your body fat, and reduce your risk of many diseases.


Regular exercise is a good thing. Regular physical activity reduces feelings of stress, anxiety and depression. Exercise and sports should be fun and keep you healthy. There are some people who exercise too much. Too much exercise can make you susceptible to injuries and illnesses. If you've think that you're a candidate for overtraining, read this article to find out how to avoid it. How do you know if you're exercising too much? You should exercise thirty to forty-five minutes a day, five days a week. It is sufficient to acquire health benefits. Your
body needs activity but it also needs rest. Getting too much exercise is just as bad as getting too little exercise. Too much exercise can lead to long-term health problems and the disruptions in personal life <#> that result from addiction and compulsive behavior

What are the symptoms of too much exercise?

You may have some symptoms of too much exercise. The typical symptoms of too much exercise include: insomnia, achiness or pain in the muscles and/or joints, fatigue, headaches, sudden inability to complete workouts, loss in appetite, feeling unmotivated and lacking energy and elevated morning pulse. Exercising too much can cause some problems like: injuries such as stress fractures, strains and sprains, low body
fat, fatigue, dehydration, osteoporosis and arthritis.  Too much exercise can cause a woman's period to stop and reproductive problems.  You should see your doctor if you have any of those signs. If you have health concerns, be sure to check with your doctor before you add to your exercise program.


It's very important that you pay attention to how you are feeling during your workouts.  This will help you to see whether or not you may be crossing the threshold into overtraining. Overtraining is just as common among ordinary people as it is among athletes. The most common symptom if you are overtraining is fatigue. If you are overtraining, the only way to help your body is to take some time off. You will need to take a week or more to rest. During recovery is important for you to drink lots of fluid and rest as much as possible. You should know that the best treatment is prevention. You can prevent overtraining by working out sensibly and allowing your body enough rest between workouts.

What is compulsive exercise?

If you force yourself to exercise, even if you don't feel well you probably have problem with overtraining.  Do you prefer exercise rather than being with friends? Do you become very upset if you miss a workout? Do you worry that you'll gain weight, if you skip exercising for a day? If your answer on any of those questions is ’’yes’’, you probably have problem with compulsive exercising. Many compulsive exercisers need therapy to help them deal with exercise bulimia. You must know that compulsive exercise, can cause serious health problems, and in extreme cases, death. If you are taking time off from work, getting too little sleep, or missing social events to work out you are probably compulsive exerciser.
If you you're doing the same exercise too much, that also could cause some serious health problems. Your body needs time to recover. Doing the same exercise too much every day could also lead to overtraining.

What are the causes of compulsive exercise?

You should know that exercise can become a compulsive habit when it is done for the wrong reasons. Many people start exercising to lose weight. Healthy diet healthy and exercise are best way to lose weight. But, some
people may have unrealistic goals. We are all under pressure to look good.  Some people may overexercise to speed up weight loss. You should know that if you use exercise to compensate for eating binges or just regular eating, you could be suffering from exercise bulimia. If you feel like your eating and exercise habits have taken over your life, see your doctor.  Some people who exercise too much may have a distorted body image and low self-esteem. When you start exercising for excessively long periods of time to keep our weight or body shape under control, you may have exercise addiction. Signs of exercise addiction include no longer experiencing pleasure during exercise, an inability to take a day off from exercise, and exercising when sick or injured. In some cases exercise addiction may require professional help. People who have problem with exercise bulimia see themselves as overweight even when they are actually a healthy weight <#>. You should ask your doctor, dietitian, what a healthy body weight is for you and how to develop healthy eating and exercise habits.

Some athletes may also think that repeated exercise will help them to win.  The pressure to succeed may also lead these people to exercise more than is healthy. Too much exercise can lead to injuries like fractures and muscle strains.

 How much physical activity you need?

Some experts recommend that healthy people do at least 60 minutes of moderate physical activity every day. You should know that most health experts say one should exercise every other day or 3 times a week. But several workouts a day, every day, when a person is not in training is a sign that the person is probably overexercise. To maintain your health, 2,000-3,500 calories should be burned each week through exercises, such as running, dancing, cycling and the like. Burning more than 3,500 calories every week can be harmful, that could lead to decreased physical benefits and increased risk of injury.



Health Problem Fact

Night bath bad for health

Many people feel that taking a shower at night will restore their spirit and endurance. But others think it is harmful to the body and may lead to illnesses. While there is no scientific proof for this, there are dos and don’ts various hazards             

Decades ago, people had to go to wells and rivers to bathe. Old folk advised against bathing at night as it posed various hazards, such as poisonous creatures.

IS  taking a shower at night  bad for the health. Many Malaysians, apparently, think so.

But how true is the perception? What does the medical fraternity say?

Dr Anies Tan, who works at a private hospital, says research shows that taking a bath helps to ease  stress levels.

She says showering plays an important role in improving the health of the immune system apart from helping to ward off skin diseases like eczema and other health and medical problems.

"Most chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, renal failure and cardiovascular problems, are caused by failure of the body's system and our lifestyle.

"There is no (medical) evidence that says having a bath at night can lead to these diseases."

Dr Tan says a warm water bath opens pores that can help remove toxins from the body.

"A warm bath can heal sore muscles and helps keep the colon working properly.

"However, if you experience stress, a cold shower would be the right answer."

But what about taking a bath at night?
In a tropical country where the climate is hot and humid, taking a bath at night poses no problems, she says.

"Unless you are suffering from pneumonia and living in a  country where there is winter, then showering  at night is good, as a bath will help to get rid of bacteria and virus from the skin.

"Taking a bath is good for healthy living.

"Even in hospital wards, patients who can walk and   bathe are encouraged to shower."

She says  failure to take regular showers, including at night, can cause  skin disease apart from creating body odour.

"Bacteria can act on the perspiration and sweat on our bodies, thus creating an odour," she says, adding that the fresh feeling that comes from taking a bath will make the  body become healthier, as showering also removes certain bad bacteria that live in the skin.

"It will be better if we use antibacterial soaps and body wash," she says, adding that the same principle applies to handwashing.

"It is hygienic if you wash your hands regularly, particularly before eating.

"The same principle applies to taking baths, including  at night," she says.

Eczema is a chronic skin disorder that results in dry, easily irritated, itchy skin.

There is no cure for eczema, but good daily skin care is essential in controlling the disease.

"When your skin is dry, it is not because it lacks  oil, but because it fails to retain water.

"For this reason, good daily skin care that focuses on the basics of bathing and moisturising is essential."

Dr Tan says the most important treatment for dry skin is to put water back in it and the best way to do this is to briefly soak in a bath or shower and to moisturise immediately afterwards.

"The goal of bathing and moisturising is to help heal the skin. To repair the skin, we need to reduce water loss.

"Some dermatologists recommend that you perform your bathing and moisturising regime at night just before going to bed.

"You are unlikely to dry out or irritate your skin while sleeping, so water can be more thoroughly absorbed into your skin."

There are many people who find taking a bath regularly a difficult task.

There are reasons for this. Among them is a  tight job schedule or being far away from home.

Homeopathy practitioner Hassan Saidin says a tight job schedule is one of the main reasons why many traders and businessmen fail to take baths regularly.

He says many traders usually go to work early in the morning and they come home very late at night.

This makes many of them go to sleep to restore their energy for the next day, rather than  take their bath first.

"Failing to take regular baths, including at night, is bad for our health.

"If we don't bathe regularly, we will experience many illnesses.

"Problems like skin irritations will affect our performance and our confidence."

But why do some elderly people advise against taking a shower at night?

"Such advice is not relevant today. Decades ago, many people stayed in rural areas with houses at that time not having piped water.

"Many who lived in the rural areas had to go outdoors and used wells and rivers to bathe.

"Of course, going to wells and rivers at night with no lights and only darkness posed various hazards, such as poisonous creatures.

"That could be the reason why elderly folk advise the young against taking baths at night.

The New Straits Times Press (Malaysia) Berhad

Health Problem Fact

Stress and Schizophrenia

Psychological stress has physiological effects and is implicated in causing or contributing to psychiatric disorders including post-traumatic stress disorder. Psychological stress also aggravates diseases like high blood pressure and heart disease.
However, psychological stress has not been shown to cause schizophrenia. This statement doesn?t make sense to many people familiar with schizophrenia. How can it be true?

For one thing, schizophrenia does not become more common after psychological traumas like war, natural disaster or concentration camp imprisonment.

Peoples lives are often filled with loss during the time leading up to the first psychotic episode. However, those losses (like relationships, jobs, school, accidents, etc) were often the result of early-onset symptoms including suspicion, memory disturbance, withdrawal, and loss of motivation.

Being raised in a family with schizophrenia greatly increases the stress and likelihood of abuse and trauma, and children from these homes are more likely to develop the illness themselves. However, the genetic contribution, rather than the psychological stress, explains most of the rate of schizophrenia in children from these families.

It is certainly possible to look in the history of many people with schizophrenia and find past trauma, but many more people with schizophrenia came from loving, supporting homes. One of the many tragedies of schizophrenia is the blame that well meaning people often assign to parents already heartbroken by the illness of their beloved child.

Stress does play a significant role in the control of the illness, however. People with schizophrenia become very sensitive to stress and change. Psychological stress alone can be enough to trigger an episode. Developing and maintaining a routine is one of the most important aspects of avoiding relapse


Health Problem Fact

Obesity and stroke

With the improvement in science and technology the standard of living is improving. The wave of new style and trend has changed the eating habits too. Fast and quick food eating habits are being imbibed in life to save time. However eating fast food exposes human body to risks like obesity. A very fatal problem like a brain stroke can be a result of increasing obesity. Though obesity can cause disorders like stroke, there are also several other reasons also. Read on to know more about symptoms, causes, types and treatments for brain stroke.

What is stroke

Stroke is also known as cerebrovascular accident. It is caused as a result of deficiency of blood supply to the brain. This disruption in blood supply causes harm to brain cells. This also results into a disturbed supply of oxygen and glucose tothe brain. It can affect any part of the brain and interrupt its functions.

It can affect brain because of the blood clot or bleeding in brain. In most of the patients it is the first case that is blocked arteries of brain due to blood clot. This clot is caused as a result of cholesterol accumulating in brain arteries. In the second case stroke is caused due to bleeding in brain, it is known as hemorrhage. In such disorder the blood spreads to adjacent areas of brain tissue.

Symptoms of stroke

Here is list of symptoms of stroke which will help in early diagnosis and treatment. Symptoms may differ in each case depending on the affected area of brain. However such symptoms can also be observed in case of other disorders or over-dose of medicines. You should consult your doctor immediately after observing such symptoms, to avoid further complications.

  * Lack of sensation in leg or arm
  * Difficulty in breathing
  * One part of body becoming weak or paralysed
  * Difficulty in speaking
  * Drooling caused due to weakness in face muscles
  * Unconsciousness or numbness

Causes of stroke

Here are some of the common causes of stroke. Many of these causes are related to obesity. Therefore to prevent disorders like obesity it is important to control it.

  * Increased level of cholesterol
  * Hypertension
  * High blood sugar
  * Excessive smoking
  * Excessive intake of alcoholic drinks

Types of stroke

Cerebral hemorrhage

In this type of stroke the blood vessels in brain break causing blood to circulate in adjacent parts of brain tissue. Because of cerebral hemorrhage brain is unable to get oxygen and blood. It causes swelling in brain tissues which is known as cerebral edema. Accumulation of blood in the surrounding of brain tissue and edema can cause fatal
complications in brain.

Embolic stroke

Embolic stroke is caused when the cholesterol deposits break and circulates in brain arteries. These deposits distract the supply of oxygen and blood to brain causing stroke. Such deposits of cholesterol or calcium are formed mainly in heart which travels tothe brain.

Subarachnoid hemorrhage

This disorder is caused due to the accumulation of blood in arachnoids membranes lining brain. The outflow of blood is caused in abnormal blood vessels causing clotting. It is responsible for severe headaches and some neck problems. Late diagnosis and treatment of such disorder can result in risks like numbness of brain or coma.


Health Problem Fact

Headache As a Symptom of a Brain Tumor

When headaches begin to get worse or don't go away, it is natural to wonder if the headache could be a symptom of something more serious, like a brain tumor. Headaches /can/ be a symptom of brain tumors, and
those that are truly tumor-related have distinct characteristics that separate them from other conditions that cause headaches.

First, it's important to known that brain tumors are not common. While studies show that more people are being diagnosed with brain tumors, it remains to be an uncommon occurrence. Chronic headaches are likely to be related to other, less serious conditions like migraines, allergies, or common vision problems that require glasses or contact lenses.

What Causes Headaches in People with Brain Tumors

Increased intracranial pressure (IICP) is a common culprit of headaches in people with brain tumors. IICP is an increased amount of pressure on the brain that can be caused by excess fluid, brain swelling, or a mass. There is only enough space in the skull to really accommodate the brain and a normal amount of fluid -- anything excess, whether it is fluid or tissue, increases the pressure.

Characteristics of Brain Tumor Headache

Surprisingly, headaches are not normally the initial symptom a person experiences if they have a brain tumor. Other symptoms, like seizures, changes in vision or hearing, weakness of the arms and legs, or cognitive decline are often the first symptoms.

It has been generally thought that a classic characteristic of a brain tumor-related headache was a morning headache, but research shows that this isn't exactly the norm. It can occur, but isn't as common as previously thought. Headaches, though, are common in those with brain tumors, with up to half of sufferers experiencing them.

Most people do not suffer from severe, debilitating headaches, although they can be painful enough to rouse someone from sleep. Headaches that awaken one from sleep can indicate something serious, but can also be caused by something other than a brain tumor. People suffering from brain tumors have complained of headaches awakening them, however.

The pain can be described as dull, aching, or throbbing. Over time, the headaches may become more frequent, increasing in severity, and eventually be a constant occurrence that is not easily relieved. Changes in body position can make them worse, especially when lying down. They can also be worsened by coughing or sneezing.

These are only typical characteristics of brain tumors. Brain tumors are very complex, and each person may experience different types of headaches that may or may not reflect these common traits.

Reasons Why Your Doctor May Suspect a Brain Tumor Because of Headaches

When you see your doctor because of frequent headaches, he will ask you several questions related to your headaches. It is helpful to keep a symptom journal to clue your doctor in on what may trigger the headaches, what makes them worse, and how frequently you are getting them. These are all important factors and can easily be forgotten or under/overestimated during the exam.

Your doctor will ask you several questions about your headaches. Here are some common ones and what your answers may reveal:

*Do you normally have headaches or previously suffered from headaches?
People who have previously suffered from headaches or who are allergy or migraine sufferers generally don't raise concern for doctors. It is those who don't commonly get headaches and have had recent and new headaches that make doctors suspect something more serious. People who have previously suffered from headaches and whose headaches have changed in intensity, location, or caused other symptoms are also a concern to doctors. A change in headache pattern can be a symptom of a brain tumor.

*What medicines you are using to relieve the headaches and are they working?
Be very thorough and honest when your doctor asks about what you are doing to relieve your headaches. Tell him about any over-the-counter medication (such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen), herbs, or prescription medications you are taking. Even if you taking prescription pain medications that were prescribed for another condition or even another person, it is vital to tell your doctor. He or she is not going to judge. Your physician wants to gauge how your headaches react to medications. Typically, headaches related to brain tumors are not relieved by medication. When both OTC and prescription pain relievers are ineffective, it raises a red flag to a doctor that something more serious may be present.

*Please note that taking medication that is not prescribed for you is never recommended. You should also never take prescription pain medication for pain or symptoms that are unrelated to why your physician prescribed them originally.

*Do your headaches get better or worse with movement?
If your headaches worsen or are triggered by bending over, sneezing, or coughing, it is important to let your doctor know. Brain tumor-related headaches are often worsened by these movements.

*Are you experiencing any nausea or vomiting?
Nausea and vomiting along with a headache can be a symptom of a brain tumor. Nausea and vomiting without a headache, often with change of movement, can also be a symptom, but this is far more likely related to
something other than a brain tumor.


DeAngelis, Lisa M. Brain Tumors N Engl J Med 2001 344: 114-123

S. M. Chang, I. F. Parney, W. Huang, F. A. Anderson Jr, A. L. Asher, M. Bernstein, K. O. Lillehei, H. Brem, M. S. Berger, E. R. Laws, et al. Patterns of Care for Adults With Newly Diagnosed Malignant Glioma JAMA, February 2, 2005; 293(5): 557 - 564.

S. M, A C Lamont, N A Alias, and M N Win Red flags in patients presenting with headache: clinical indications for neuroimaging Br. J. Radiol., August 1, 2003; 76(908): 532 - 535.